Business Shredding Cardiff
Business Packages For Data Protection
If you need something shredding in Cardiff, we have you covered with various products, solutions and packages. Our team can securely shred sensitive documents through our top of the range industrial shredders.
Document shredding services are vital for data protection and confidential documents disposal. Founded in 2020, we have designed a streamlined process for paper shredding services in Cardiff. Confidential business information needs to be disposed of securely and conveniently. Our paper shredding services will do just that, we will collect your confidential information, shred it and recycle the resulting waste. We will then issue you with a certificate of destruction for your records.
Business Shredding Services
Business Package Products
Please visit our products page for a complete list of products we offer in various styles and colours. When it comes to data protection legislation, your company needs to make sure it secures and correctly dispose confidential data and meets GDPR standards. For confidential information and media destruction, choose Secure Shred in Cardiff.
Self seal eco sacks
Lockable wheelie bins
Heavy duty polypropylene bags with security ties
Dedicated lockable security cabinets
Executive bins
Dedicated account manager

Standard Security Cabinets
Our security cabinets are a perfect, professional looking solution to contain and secure confidential waste prior to collection and shredding. Each lockable sack cabinet can hold an average of 35kg of confidential waste before it needs emptying. This equates to 7000 sheets of A4 paper.
We can supply these cabinets free of charge for customers who take out a scheduled service on a Weekly / Fortnightly or Monthly basis.
For a completely tailored quote, please contact us.
Scheduled Shredding Service
How it works
1. Quote
Start by getting a competitive quote tailored specifically to your business needs.
2. Installation
Our security vetted staff will then install the required number of lockable bins at your business premises.
3. Collection
On the agreed collection frequency, our BS7858 vetted staff will collect your waste in our tracked collection vehicle.
4. Transfer Note
A duty of care waste transfer note will be produced per collection or annually for our scheduled customers.
5. Secure Shredding
Your confidential waste gets taken to our shred facility to be security shredded and recycled.
6. Confirmation
A certificate of destruction will be issued electronically.

Lockable Wheelie Bins
With increasing pressure to ensure that confidential client information is not visible within the workplace, many companies are looking to provide high-capacity confidential waste bins that are easily moved between designated areas. With an average capacity of 90 – 130kg of confidential material, Secure Shred’s rugged, lockable wheelie bins are the perfect practical answer for your business.
Our secure shredding services are second to none and we have the perfect solution for businesses. Whether you need a full professional data destruction service, large capacity lockable bins, or our cost effective self-sealed sacks, we can help. For more information on our business paper shredding in Cardiff, give us a call today.
Home Office Shredding Packages
Working from home?
Secure Shred offers smaller scale packages ideal for home offices. Contact us today to find out more about the efficient service we can offer you right here in Cardiff, whether you are looking for a company to help destroy your paperwork in line with the data protection act or just don’t have the patience or the shredding machine to carry out the confidential waste disposal service for yourself.